How doc-link Document Management Saves You Time and Money in the Audit Process

by BPW | October 22, 2015

loading-1190130-1599x1065October is here and that means lots of trick and/or treats, year-end audits, bowls full of candy in the break room, Weight Watchers on speed dial and the annual pilgrimage to the gym in January. Fortunately, we have a treat for you and a trick for the auditors to help speed up your Accounts Payable department.

It’s called the Download Manager in doc-link. This tool saves time for both employees and auditors when retrieving company documents. What this tool does is create a document “sandbox” based on the auditor’s request. When an auditor wants to see a certain time range of documents, such as all the checks and invoices from January 1 to June 30, 2014, you can use your new Download Manager in doc-link. Here is how simple it is:

  1. Prior to the auditor’s arrival, you can download the all of the requested copies of documents (checks and AP Vendor Invoices for January 1 to June 30, 2014) onto a workstation for the auditor to use. These documents will be in their own searchable database (called a sandbox) with all of the necessary information to perform the audit.
  2. The auditor can use the built-in doc-link tools to search by relevant data ranges and pull up results within the sandboxed database, retrieving exactly what is needed without having to access your main database of documents.
  3. Once the auditor has finished reviewing the documents, the sandbox can be deleted from the workstation.

As a result of this streamlined process, your company will have much more productive audits, your auditor will have all of the necessary information in one place, and both parties save valuable time and money.

When the time comes to evaluate a document solution that works with your existing accounting software environment, contact us to learn more about BPW’s doc-link solution. Please contact me at [email protected] or (805) 963-7811 should you have any additional questions.